Aging Gracefully

I’d like to share a story about successful aging. We have a client, I’ll call him Chuck, who is a model “ager” in my opinion. He is 93 years old and currently lives alone. He hired caregivers around the clock for his wife. When she died 2 years ago, he decided to keep the daytime caregivers in place for himself. I think it was one of his smartest moves. 

Chuck is an avid reader and is usually reading 3 books at one time. When I visit, he is quick to share the details of the ones he enjoys and makes suggestions for the ones I should read next. He is proficient with his iPad, Apple phone and Apple watch. He watches his diet and tries to eat fairly healthy. He enjoys his tea and newspaper every morning. He is afraid to fall and is compliant with using his walker. He walks laps around the house and still uses his recumbent bike. He enjoys the bird feeder his kids put up in the backyard last spring. His children are scattered across the country but do a great job of visiting frequently and calling all the time. 

But what is really most important to Chuck? 

It's his relationship with his caregivers. They are his companions. He truly enjoys getting to know them, hearing their stories and having good conversation. The social bond they share is remarkable.

Chuck knows he has limitations now but has accepted them. He doesn’t drive anymore and lets the caregivers drive him as needed. He needs help preparing meals but has learned how to order groceries online and will discuss meal selection together with the caregiver. He is in constant search to learn something new every day. He looks at home care as a positive way to stay home and keep his independence. 

To me, Chuck has figured out the secret of aging gracefully and we can all learn from him. Aging is just another phase in our life. We should not ignore it and pretend it's not happening but accept it and even embrace it. Most importantly, we need to keep learning and enjoying each other’s company.


Next Steps….


Coincidence or divine intervention?